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香港氣槍射擊會(Hong Kong Airsoft Shooting Assoication, HKASA) 成立於1996年,透過推廣玩具氣槍實用射擊(Airsoft IPSC)運動之方法,提倡安全射擊運動,灌輸年青朋友正確使用玩具氣槍知識和安全正面射擊態度。提供場地及訓練班給有興趣之人仕,作為一個享受射擊樂趣的園地。 HKASA在推廣氣槍實用射擊中扮演著重要的角色,多年以來為不同機構和團體推

Picnic 七座位多用途房車 (超級豪華版) - 1,998cc, 直列式四汽缸引擎, 150PS, 四前速超級電子控制自動波箱 雙天窗、優質皮座椅、桃木紋儀錶板及軚環、高置定風翼、6 CD及MP3環迴立體聲鐳射音響系統、門邊鏡指揮燈、雙安全氣囊、ABS防鎖刹車系統連EBD 電子制動力分配系統、BA輔助刹車系統及後泊車警示器 牌費至Dec 2010電話6691-2862 7 Seaters MP

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攝影及影音 / 節目及活動豪傑製作有限公司

Morning Session Theme: Experiential Marketing CUHK Professor Leo Sin Yat Ming Director of the Master of Science Programme in Marketing Topic : How to implement Experiential Marketing effectively? The
H攝影及影音 / 節目及活動Hong Kong Institute of Marketing

DesignOur "expert design service" means we can develop 'your' product idea from start to finish. We work only with the best artists and sculptors, paying attention to detail, innovating and

Vehicle Security Disklok - Steering Lock (Chrome) (Silver) (Yellow) IT'S NO SECRET! Thieves already know how to beat most steering wheel locks. The public learned how after seeing it done on TV and r

Wolfman Jack Entertainment Wolfman Jack Entertainment Ltd., a company located in the U.S., has achieved and established its name and successful reputation, for promoting concerts and booking artists.
W旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Wolfman Jack Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd

Fitness Centre The Fitness Centre is located in the Annexe building overlooking the carpark. It is fully equipped with cardio equipment ranging from Crosstrainers to treadmills, bikes and a rowing ma
運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體香港木球會 Hong Kong Cricket Club
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